Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of the week's best stories and pictures.

• Porn and the shadow side of paradise: Thomas Ruff's Nudes (guardian.co.uk). While other types of fantasy can be taken at face value, is pornography PoMo's hyperreal or just being squeezed to live up to being something more than it is?
• Adrienne Bailon flashed her smooth pussy on the red carpet in epic wardrobe malfunction. Accident or just el accidente? (egotastic.com).
Here's Adrienne's smooth pussy wardrobe malfunction pics in glorious HQ (hawtcelebs.com).
• Raspberry Pi demand overwhelms website on launch day (digitalartsonline.co.uk).
• Raspberry Pi not to your taste? How about some Norwegian Cotton Candy? (wired.co.uk).
• Is Ke$ha paying her friend to moon on command for publicity or what? (egotastic.com).
• Lindsay Lohan—Jag Jeans Photoshoot (hotcelebshome.com).
• Cameron Diaz thought she could go ass-to-ass with Jennifer Lopez (thesuperficial.com).
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