Pick of the week
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My pick of last weeks best stories and pictures.

• Piers Morgan bans Madonna worldwide (celebrity.uk.msn.com). An old tabloid editor like Piers knows how to make a headline of course, and Twitter gives him a free opportunity. At least I hope that's the case, else he's having real delusions of grandeur. Or maybe it's just the humiliation of having Kate Moss' shoe up his harris.
• Kim Kardashian to press charges against flour attacker (celebrity.uk.msn.com). It's a bitch getting that out of your fur!
• Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens are super spring breakers on set in Florida here & here (hotcelebshome.com).
• Octomom finally took her top off to pay the rent (egotastic.com).
• Damien Hirst taxi doodle fetches £4,700, but The Independent's Julian Spalding swears 'His work isn't worth a cent …' (telegraph.co.uk).
• Kitsch art tribute to Vladimir Putin (telegraph.co.uk). Where's the one of him wrestling a bear?
• Attention: Lindsay Lohan is a free woman! Stay off the roads between 2 AM and 4 AM (egotastic.com).
• Ambassador appointed to curb modern day high-seas piracy (avastheaving.com).
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