Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and indeed likely
tapped in while I was thinking of something else entirely.

• X-Factor's Louis Walsh claimed Cheryl Cole needs vocal lessons, but have kissed & made up (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
• Kris Humphries told Kim Kardashian's rapping boy-toy Kanye West
'Good luck, dude, you'll need it'
That's timing! New season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiering in May, Kanye released a new album and suprise! They are dating!
• Jennifer Aniston gets another raunchy role (movies.uk.msn.com).
• Demi Lovato nearly ran over Paul McCartney (celebrity.uk.msn.com). Lindsay Lohan is on call to try again.
• It's Hayden Panettiere in a bikini! (thesuperficial.com). And here in HQ (hotcelebshome.com).
• Britney Spears getting $15 Million to be X Factor judge (thesuperficial.com).
• Artificial intelligence could be on brink of passing Turing test (wired.co.uk). But like the rest of us, still fails CAPTCHA.
• Damien Hirst's Hymn defaced by Occupy protesters (telegraph.co.uk). And he hadn't even threatened to sue them first! (dailymail.co.uk)
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