Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally
without foundation, and likely part of overall plan of the reptile illuminati and so really fuck all to do with me.

• Rihanna revealed her inner reptile, David Icke came in his pants (hotcelebshome.com).
• Zap! Countercultural cartoonist R. Crumb talks art, comics and turning down the Rolling Stones (theartnewspaper.com).
• Gunter Sachs' playboy lifestyle extended to his furniture (weirdnews.about.com).
• Miley Cyrus got nearer to a full-on nipple slip (egotastic.com) and here in HQ (hotcelebshome.com).
• Victoria Silvstedt flashed some crack (hq-celebrity.com).
• … so did Kristen Bell (hq-celebrity.com).
• Appropriation is becoming less and less appropriate in art (theartnewspaper.com).
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