Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.

• Lindsay Lohan says no to full frontal nudity in The Canyons (thesuperficial.com).
• … but sizzles in Richard Phillips' short First Point film (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
• Octomom Nadya Suleman promotes her Wicked self-pleasure porn (egotastic.com).
With those blackbar stopping you from seeing anything yet Octo (or rather Wicked) is milking of this is relation to what her teats must have gone through.
• Madonna proves that shocking is in her DNA (independent.co.uk).
In the 80's yes, in the 90's yeah, in the noughties … go on then, 2012 … I'm gonna give that a miss. If you wanna see some 53 year old teats though head on over here (egotastic.com).
• Katy Perry - Upskirt Candids in London (hotcelebshome.com).
• Edvard Munch: Angst-ridden artist or canny businessman? (independent.co.uk).
"… impossible to tell whether Munch reworked so many of his paintings because he was trying to work through some kind of psychological trauma or obsession, or whether he was just a 'very canny businessman', replacing pieces that had been sold."

This week I am going to be starting a Latina Pick of the Week with the best weekly sexy celebrity and entertainment stories from Central and South America.
So if you are a fan of Brazilian booty, Mexican tetas, & everything else that is latina lovely, check back Tuesday.
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