Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and likely turned down by Hef for its "enhancements" too.
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This weeks stories & pics

Curvy Christina Aguilera revealed she loves having a booty (dailymail.co.uk).
"Actually, the challenge I've always had is being too thin, so I love that now I have a booty, and obviously I love showing my cleavage," she told Lucky magazine's October issue.
Well, I'm Team Xtina so I love it too! ♥
Christina Aguilera showing off those curves at music video set in Los Angeles (hq-celebrity.com).
Newly 18 Courtney Stodden turned down by Playboy because of her "enhancements" (gossipcenter.com).
I'm sure Hef could cover those "enhancements" with the airbrush if he wanted There really must be some other reason which I'm sure will evaporate when some new now-legal scandal is machinated.
Kim Kardashian can't get a star on the Walk of Fame, and Kanye agrees Kim is only famous for her sex tape (wwtdd.com).
Kim Kardashian—Brian Atwood party in New York (hotcelebshome.com).
Is Kimbo trying to draw attention to her breasts now fashionista Kayne is weeping about Kim's ass?
Jessica Simpson can't jog because her boobs are too big (thesuperficial.com).
I do so wanna see her try though!
Lady Gaga's meat dress heads to museum (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
"The controversial outfit has made its way to the US capital, along with Loretta Lynn's song about The Pill and other relics from music history."
Ke$ha Sebert wears the flag in V magazine (vybzmagazine.com).
Nicole Minetti, Italian TV starlet-and-showgirl-turned-Silvio Berlusconi's-pocket-politician, is bikini bellissimo at Malibu Beach (vybzmagazine.com).
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Miley Cyrus done gone got a quiff … (hawtcelebs.com).
But did she copy P!nk? P!nk at 2012 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles (hawtcelebs.com).
New teaser for cult-fave comic Heavy Metal TV show (blastr.com).
"The cult-fave comic was known for its surreal storylines and adult sexuality, was a bona fide hit in the 1970s and remains an influential sci-fi property to this day."
I used to buy that comic in specialist comic shops that stocked when it was still truely sexually surreal. Every few years I end up subscribing online again for a bit but its never quite recaptured the magic it once had.
Breast-squeezing event held in Shinjuku, Tokyo for charity (weirdasianews.com).
Ubisoft decides to ditch its "always-on" DRM (wired.co.uk).
Bitcoin the electronic cash service with a reputation for being the underworlds choice loses £160k in hacking heist (wired.co.uk).
"… Bitcoins have a reputation for being the online drug trafficker's currency of choice."
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