Pick of the week
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Here's my pick of last weeks best quirky stories and pictures.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and likely have a friend called the Love Sponge too.
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This weeks stories & pics

Curvy Christina Aguilera set the record straight over body image comments (dailymail.co.uk).
Christina Aguilera hit back at record executives following their concerns about her weight.
After gaining 15lbs during her 2002 Stripped tour Christina's label called an emergency meeting and told her that her weight would cost people their jobs.
And for fans of curvy Christina, here she is at The George McGovern Leadership Award Ceremony (hq-celebrity.com) …
Where someone was clearly impressed by her attributes! (tmz.com).
Related story:

Cameron Diaz feels "better at 40 than I did at 25", and shows her forties fitness in Esquire photoshoot (huffingtonpost.co.uk).
Along with sexy pics by Terry Richardson Cameron opens up on how she's excited at turning 40.
You can check out the pics from that Esquire photoshoot here (vybzmagazine.com).
Kristen Stewart flashes her bare pitstops On The Road (egotastic.com) and …
Notoriety of affair probably boosted her popularity (laineygossip.com).
Well, my top search keyphrases seem to support that too.
Related story:
Kim Kardashian still letting her breasts distract from her outfits (socialitelife.com).
Seems Kimbo forgot that going braless with that type of fabric, any sort of boobage is going be showing!
Related story:
Anna Paquin has no problem baring all (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
Anna told Red magazine that nudity just doesn't faze her if the role calls for it.
Leaked this week, is Hulk Hogan's sex tape the most embarrassing ever? (dailymail.co.uk).
In the bizarre sex tape with Heather Clem, ex-wife of Hulk's best friend radio DJ Bubba the Love Sponge, the grappler woos the lucky lady with declarations of how he 'felt like a pig'!
You can read the gruesome details here (thesuperficial.com) and, if you really want to, catch the tape here (youtube).
CoppaFeel! Breast-holding for the best of causes: Cosmopolitan shoot featuring Spice Girl Mel B inspired by iconic Rolling Stone cover for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (dailymail.co.uk, thank you Claire-bear).
You can find out more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month here (breastcancercare.org.uk).
Selma Blair gave some sideboob shopping in Beverly Hills (vybzmagazine.com).
Vanessa Hudgens' workout attire keeps getting skimpier! (popoholic.com).
Emma Watson had a spandex cameltoe at JFK (vybzmagazine.com).
.:: Top column 2 ::.
Esquire named Mila Kunis their Sexiest Woman Alive for 2012, and went a long way to prove it in these cute ass pics (thesuperficial.com).
You can catch larger versions of those pics here (hotcelebshome.com).
Former JAV star Sola Aoi appeals For friendship between Chinese and Japanese (chinasmack.com).
"Teacher Cang", popular amongst many female Chinese netizens as well as male, appealed for peace amid the tense relationship between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands.
Arts, tech. & funnies.
Turner Prize 2012 shortlisted artists at the Tate Britain (telegraph.co.uk).
Film splices, messiahs of 60s counterculture, inflatable slides, and the imaginary city of Nobson Newtown!
Turner prize 2012: the nominees' work—in pictures (guardian.co.uk).
Spartacus Chetwynd! And I thought I'd outdone myself with my current pseudonym!
Nobson Newtown tiny sculturist Paul Noble is currently the bookies favourite (telegraph.co.uk) but good luck to all.
Blood on your iPad? Thousands Involved in Foxconn riot (chinasmack.com).
A riot happened at the Foxconn Apple contract factory, the manufacturer of products including the iPad, where over a thousand employees enraged at wage disputes and unpaid salaries beat up security guards and vandalized infrastructure throughout the factory area.
Did Deep Blue beat Kasparov because of a computer bug? (wired.co.uk).
In chesses version of the Ali vs Frazier fight of the centuary, did Deep Blue hammer the grandmaster because of a bug which made it simply pick a random move when it found itself unable to select one, leaving the "Beast of Baku" sinking in a mire of paranoia?
It's a (puzzle) feature! Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen finds Windows 8's Metro interface "puzzling, confusing". (digitalartsonline.co.uk).
Realising its shortcomings on tablets, I think the company is suffering the same panic reaction it had when it realised the Internet was doing quite well without it (lettersofnote.com).
Political candidate's World of Warcraft hobby sparks political 5 combo point evisceration (bbc.co.uk).
Democrat candidate likes the rogue. Hey, who doesn't?
Here's one for the ladies: size doesn't matter, but well-endowed Britons still beat the French (uk.news.yahoo.com).
But Brits lose out to the Germans sizeable sausage, new study suggests.
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