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Top search keyphrases for January

1st February 2013

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Here are the top search keyphrases that led visitors here during November (disregarding searches for artist, site and near-exchangeable search terms).

Celebrity sex cartoons
Celebrity sex cartoons cumming in big this month earning the top spot. I guess there's always interest in Lindsay's huge freckled titties or Brit getting it up the bum!

Celebrity sex cartoons cumming in big this month earning the top spot. (And many thanks to those newly linking to the new site from Tumblr & Blogger with their tags & sigs this month for that too.)

Keen interest in Amanda Seyfried's suck-fest Lovelace propelled her 70s bush into a suprising second place, with RiRi keeping pace in third with her short-lived blonde pin-up locks.

Bound Emma W. hanging on in there at fourth, with The Canyons spurring interest in LiLo hentai at fifth leaving Gaga toons hot on her tail at sixth, and boob job rumours, or her split with young curly-Styles bringling an awards dong re-entry Taylor Swift hentai back in tenth.

Compare with December's top search keyphrases.

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Tags: search keyphrases, search terms.


Illustrations, paintings, and cartoons featuring caricatured celebrities are intended purely as parody and fantasised depictions often relating to a particular news story, and often parodying said story and the media and pop cultural representation of said celebrity as much as anything else. Who am I really satirising? Read more.

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