Pick of the week
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Here's my grab-bag pick of last weeks best celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment sexiness, & just plain quirky stories and pictures. A weekly round-up for busy pervs! There's pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and hoping for a equally graphic pictorial follow up tweet from Amanda Bynes too.
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This weeks stories & pics

Amanda Bynes tweeted a graphic invitation to her vagina to rapper Drake (dailymail.co.uk).
"[The star], who has been going off the rails of late, wrote: ‘I want @drake to murder my vagina.’"
Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s creator must surely be on the hit-list of every celebrity agent out there. I can’t imaging any of them have any hair left.
Here's Amanda likely tweeting a follow up visiting the Verizion Store in New York (hawtcelebs.com).
Recent/related stories:

Roswell’s Shiri Appleby had a self-shot full frontal nude photo leaked (dailymail.co.uk).
"The Roswell star is due to give birth to her first child any day now, suggesting that the full-frontal photo, in which she is not pregnant, was taken some time ago."
You can catch the uncensored shot here (celebrityoopsdigest.blogspot.co.uk).

Emma Watson got naked for new green campaign (dailymail.co.uk).
"The 22-year-old is seen posing topless from the shoulders up with a sultry expression in a series of portraits in a new photo book and exhibition called Natural Beauty."
You can catch the video there and HQs from the shoot here (hotcelebshome.com).
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Lindsay Lohan accepted rehab plea deal to dodge jail (dailymail.co.uk) …
But got glitter bombed on the way to court (entertainment.uk.msn.com).
"Glitter bombed?" Could have been a lot worse. There was a sketch idea there, but I didn't quite get around to it. She got away with slappin’ the psychic who didn't see that commin’ though: No charge for Lohan over "assault" (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
Anyhow, here’s the latest Li-Lo mugshot for your collection (entertainment.uk.msn.com).
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Kim Kardashian covered up her baby bump to draw attention to her growing boobs instead (uk.omg.yahoo.com).
Here’s the pics (hotcelebshome.com).
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Rosario Dawson got flashed on London bus (celebrity.uk.msn.com).
"The 33-year-old actress … told the Daily Mail she was raised on the Lower East Side of New York in the days when it was a tough neighbourhood, so she was not fazed by the incident."
Okay, which of you old buggers was it?
Here’s Rosario at the Trance premier in London (hawtcelebs.com).

Jennifer Nicole Lee raised many a British flag pole (hotcelebuzz.com).
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French model and reality star Nabilla Benattia gave an impromptu candid photoshoot filming in Miami (gotceleb.com).

Courtney Stodden washed her jeep in a bikini and high heels (hotcelebshome.com) …
And nearly lost the bottom half.
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.:: Top column 2 ::.

Vanessa Hudgens’ boobs made a break for freedom on Jimmy Kimmel Live (uk.omg.yahoo.com).
Hmmm. Wishful thinking there at best. Here’s the pics though: 1 | 2 | 3 (imgchili.com).
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Tennis hottie Caroline Wozniacki showed "This is me" in underwear promo shoot (hotcelebuzz.com).
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Arts, tech. & funnies

Emily Ratajkowski got naked for Samuel Bayer (hotcelebshome.com).
Part of a large-scale series of black and white photographic nude portraits, being exhibited by Samuel Bayer at Ace Gallery Beverly Hills.
Wish to find out more? Emily Ratajkowski, Xenia Deli and other models in Samuel Bayer Diptychs & Triptychs Nude Exhibition 2013 (avaxhome.bz).

Recent/related stories:

First look at Amy Winehouse statue planned for Camden venue (telegraph.co.uk).
"The statue depicts the singer standing, dressed in a retro-style dress and beehive hairstyle which she was famous for. It is expected to be installed later this year on a terrace at the North London venue, the Roundhouse. "
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Vladimir Tretchikoff’s "Chinese Girl", the most reproduced print in the world set to fetch up to £500,000 (dailymotion.com).
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Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones concludes art heists are more Tony Soprano than George Clooney (guardian.co.uk).
"In every major art crime I have covered as a journalist, including the notorious theft of The Scream in Norway, there turned out to be a gangland connection."
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Google Glass might allow you to control your world with your voice (digitalartsonline.co.uk).
"From what we've seen of Glass, users will interact with the device mostly by vocal commands. According to the patent application, users could also control objects with either vertical or horizontal head nods that could be interpreted as ‘yes’ or ‘no’ …"
Notice it slips back to gestures though, which does surprise me as I had always thought control by voice would come before control by gesture, but we already have that with Microsoft Kinect for Windows and control through speech recognition for the masses still seems still way too hit and miss.
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