Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of last weeks best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A weekly round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and are likely auditioning for their part in Fifty Shades of Grey right now!
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Last weeks best stories & pics

Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton dug his claws in Lady Gaga over nude photos as their feud continued (huffingtonpost.com).
“Hilton wrote: ‘.@LadyGaGa really loves getting fully naked! And it looks like she doesn’t have any hair on her vagina HERE.’”

Ummm, we know, Perez, we saw the full Gaga bare box deal in her Abramovic Method primal performance weeks back, and, yup, many really liked it.

You can catch the new piccies from Lady Gaga’s V magazine shoot here (hotcelebshome.com) and catch those already released, including the bald Gaga lady nest one Perez is ruffling his feathers about here.

And here’s Gaga still busy channeling Andy Warhol’s Jungian anima in some braless see-thru candids in London (hotcelebshome.com).
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Rihanna gave braless see-thru candids arriving at her hotel in NYC (imgcelebs.info).
Cricky! Those are some huge hoops.
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Lindsay Lohan gave freckled ginger jugg cleavage in NYC (hotcelebshome.com).
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Christina Aguilera gave some red hot kinda love for October’s Maxim (hotcelebshome.com).

You can catch the making-of video clip here (dfiles.eu) or here (uploaded.net, 9.52MB | 00:40 | MP4). Preview image (Picasa).
Please note: file has not been uploaded by me, nor do I take responsibility for it. I’m just saving you a search.
Recent/related stories:

Emma Watson let the old chaps see her tummy at the GQ Men of the Year Awards (gotceleb.com).
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Hayden Panettiere’s bikini revealed her vanishing misspelt “live without regrets” tattoo (mirror.co.uk).
You can catch those Hayden bikini piccies in HQ here (hotcelebshome.com).
Recent/related stories:

Polish supermodel Anja Rubik got artsy nude for Industrie (egotastic.com).

Miranda Kerr gave lacy see-thru nipplage at Mademoiselle C premiere in NYC (hotcelebshome.com).
Recent/related stories:
.:: Top column 2 ::.

Yup, Courtney Stodden rolled out her bowling balls on Celebrity Big Brother (egotastic.com)…

Likely booking
dad Doug in for a triple bypass (dailymail.co.uk)
“The 53-year-old had a really hard time watching the show earlier this week when Stodden opened up and admitted she was worried she might not need to depend on him any more.”
Recent/related stories:

Emma Watson Mila Kunis Alexis Bledel Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam cast in Fifty Shades of Grey movie (uk.msn.com).
Fans demand Alexis Bledel And Matt Bomer be recast in roles (latino.foxnews.com). Meanwhile, you’ll find it on that not-quite top shelf at the straight-to-DVD store.

Here’s Dakota in her panties on the set of Cymbeline (thesuperficial.com).

“The filmmakers of Fifty Shades Of Grey and Charlie Hunnam have agreed to find another male lead given Hunnam’s immersive TV schedule which is not allowing him time to adequately prepare for the role of Christian Grey.”
In other words he was he was under the impression he was gonna be spreading Alexis Bledel on the bar too.

It looks like Irish actor and model Jamie Dornan is set to take his place (latina.com).
Recent/related stories:
Arts, culture, & tech.

Was US porn industry shutdown responsible for disappointing job figures in the US? (ibtimes.co.uk).
“The movie and entertainment industry shed 22,000 jobs over the period, and though figures for specific sectors of the business are not available, experts believe the 12-week shutdown of porn production [after actress Cameron Bay tested positive for HIV] may have caused the job losses.”
So it was widely speculated and reported then redacted as more morally responsible statistics were juggled in. The truth is porn is big industry. The question is would mandatory condom use prevent harm more than a greater degree of cultural acceptance of that industry instead of sweeping it under the moral carpet when such occurs?
Sincere best wishes, Cameron Bay.
“Before the moratorium, adult film actors were required to test monthly for sexually transmitted infections. Now, they’ll have to get tested every 14 days.”
“Diane Duke, head of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry, cast doubt on reports a fourth actor had tested positive … ‘There is no evidence of a fourth case’ Ms Duke said … ‘This announcement seems to be political posturing by AHF [( Aids Healthcare Foundation)]. Last month they announced a syphilis outbreak in the adult film industry when in reality not one performer had syphilis.’ ”
A mouthful for political thought there for those who campaign to ban it: “The US porn industry is thought to be worth more than $13 billion (£8.2 billion) a year.” Now estimate the number of jobs.
Recent/related stories:

John Bellany obituary (theguardian.com).
“His career was dominated by the circumstances of his own turbulent life: the act of painting, in which he employed a personal language at once realist, expressionist and surrealist, enabled him to overcome alcoholism and survive several near-death episodes.”
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