Latina Pick of the Week
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Here’s my pick of the best sexy latina entertainment stories and pictures from the last seven days or so. So if you are a fan of Brazilian booty, Mexican tetas, Chicano chocha & everything else that is latina lovely, dip in!
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and did they bait the trap with cheese? (telegraph.co.uk).
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Pick of the best stories & pics

¡Mamacita que abdomen! Jennifer Lopez showed off her hot mama abs on Instagram (latinacelebdigest.blogspot.co.uk).
Recent/related stories:

Colombian vedette Andrea Rincón se desnudara for July’s Playboy Mexico (famosasmexx.blogspot.mx).
Recent/related stories:

Spanish language MMA reporter Andrea Calle provoked NHB fancy tickling on South Beach (egotastic.com).

Recent/related stories:

Delano was Playboy Argentina’s Playmate for July (scanof.net).
Recent/related stories:

Selena Gomez drew fire for her “Pray For Gaza” Instagram (latino.foxnews.com).
“Like many stars, Selena decided to weigh in on the two weeks of fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas that has killed roughly 500 Palestinians and 20 Israelis.”
Indeed, and those casulaties do seem awfully lopsided. Was she taking a side? Some seemed to wish to press that issue:

Pro-humanity or pro-Hamas? We don’t know … does she? (tmz.com).
“Selena Gomez is either directly or indirectly supporting Hamas in the Middle-East conflict … at least that’s the way a lot of people see it after her plea to ‘Pray for Gaza.’”
Journalistically stirring the pot by maintaining that:
“Maybe she doesn’t realize Hamas has launched an untold number of missiles in an effort to destroy Israel, or maybe she supports it … we don’t know. Maybe she just wants peace for everyone. We just don’t know.”
Indeed, it may just seem “the right thing to do”, and whether I mean by that…
a). championing against authoritarianism, but not in particular a seriously broke terroristic underdog (cbc.ca) who enforce that women cannot swim without a hijab, dance, or walk around in public without a male relative (notenoughgood.com) while baiting the notoriously pitbull-like mindset of a nation who’s neighbors have tried to wipe them out since its formation, and using the very people who have lost their rights and land they are claiming to protect as human shields by stationing those missiles within homes and hospitals with full knowledge the world’s media is watching Israel’s sad paucity for restraint while eying whatever other conflicts they can meddle in…
or that
b). she’s truly just expressing a desire for a cessation of the bloodshed in something that is perhaps just unsolvable…
is something you “just don’t know” too—but do know that no one is going to quote and bait me on it as there’s just no copy in it. (Okay, Marxist-Leninist Belgian Maurice probably will, but that’s just because he’s lacking a gig and short of a few visits to his revolutionary manifesto blog this week and his ad-revenue and need for attention is suffering).
Despite the flying flack, she didn’t delete hers, unlike Rihanna who did (ibtimes.co.uk).
“Rihanna also faced backlash when she posted an image of a Palestinian and Israeli boy hugging with the caption, ‘Let’s pray for peace and a swift end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! Is there any hope?’. She deleted it eight minutes later after receiving criticism from fans.”
Like all having their say, #IVotePeace (Twitter). I don’t expect it, but I still do, despite knowing just how easy it is to say, and how seemingly impossible to actuate in life.

Not all fire and flak for SelGo though: Notorious bisexual friender Cara Delevingne has a new gal pal … Selena Gomez, who celebrated her 22nd birthday with Delevingne aboard a yacht in St. Tropez (tmz.com).
Yep. I need to retire and do some serious… thinking on that! :)

But here’s the piccies first (celebrityoopsdigest.blogspot.co.uk).
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Catch snaps & stories for next month’s picks daily in latest picks.
Have a story for Pick of the Month?
If we are in touch I’d be very grateful if you’d send it along.
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