Pick of the Week Last Few Weeks
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and for all those that decry pop divas are just eye candy that can’t sing, with a skewed opinion of what a performer does. Believe me, he’s a great performer but I’ve seen (and heard) Ozzy Osbourne live too, several times. The Pixies too—blasphemy I say, blasphemy (and not a life-style choice).
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Pick of the best stories & pics from the last few weeks

Lady Gaga gave commercial tittie (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Chrissy Teigen gave Miami Beach photoshoot titties (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Lindsay Lohan opened her legs for Hunger (sawfirst.com)…
Dodged pokie, but she’s got to re-do 125 hours of community service (entertainmentwise.com)…

Gave Instagram booty boomin’ Photoshop fail (GoogleTube).

You can catch that on Instagram here.
Recent/related stories:
Zoe Kravitz gave Miami pokies and cheek—and let all know she got bush! (celebrityoopsdigest.blogspot.co.uk).

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Rita Ora gave The Nice Guy see-thru nippleage (celebrityoopsdigest

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Stella Hudgens gave do as you please cheek in Hawaii (celebexposuredigest

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Kim Kardashian West gave Paris Fashion Week see-thru tittie (celebrityoopsdigest

See also:
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Model minx Cara Delevingne formed a mouth watering sandwich for Vogue UK with fellow mannequins de la mode Suki Waterhouse and Georgia May Jagger (celebexposuredigest

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Charli XCX gave Brit Awards sideboob (celebrityoopsdigest

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Nicki Minaj gave sheer nippleage for fashion (celebrityoopsdigest

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Scout Willis gave private viewing see-thru nippleage (celebrityoopsdigest

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Chelsea Handler gave fellow comedienne Whitney Cummings birthday teat tweet (celebrityoopsdigest

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Maitland Ward gave High Voltage photoshoot (celebexposuredigest

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Zahra Schreiber gave WWE naked love triangle leak (celebrityoopsdigest

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Tongue teasers
Cara Delevingne gave London Fashion Week pokeage with Kendall Jenner (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
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Kim Kardashian West gave tired tongue (celebritytonguedigest

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Dani Thorne gave farewell to wisdom teeth tongue (celebritytonguedigest

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Charli XCX gave bored-of-being-bored tongue (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
Pretty Little Liars’ Shay Mitchell gave Holi tongue (celebritytonguedigest

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.:: Top column 2 ::.

Opening her Honeymoon Tour, Cat Ariana Grande squealed “this isn’t Kansas anymore”… but it was! (hawtcelebs.com).

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Christina Aguilera gave perfect Britney Spears singing “This Little Piggy” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (huffingtonpost.com).

Wasn’t her Shakira great too!
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Arts, culture, tech. & funnies
Pregnant model with killer abs draws controversy (video, msn.com).
“A model nearly 9 months pregnant has been posting baby bump pictures on Instagram [and] it’s her still toned tummy that’s got everyone talking.”

Recent/related stories:
Pornhub turns masturbation into energy in bid to save the planet! (independent.co.uk).
“With an estimated 41 million people visiting it every day, Pornhub figured it might be time to channel all that furious fapping into something more useful than brief, boredom-relieving ecstasy.”

So how does that work then?
“The [Wankband] creates power when moved in an up and down motion, with a kinetic charger inside storing the clean (albeit slightly dirty) energy generated. It can then be connected via USB to smartphones, tablets and computers, powering them with 100% sustainable energy.”
You’ll have to shift it some to keep that flick going in case of a power cut though.
Recent/related stories:
Sex workers “find job rewarding” (msn.com).
“In the survey of 240 sex workers, 52% stated they felt able to stop sex work if they wanted to, compared to just under a quarter of respondents, 24%, who said they did not feel able to stop.”

And 96% offered the surveyor a discount.
“Many people, particularly politicians, fall into the trap of seeing sex work as inherently bad without actually asking sex workers what their experiences are and what challenges they face. This research challenges this perspective.”
Except the Green party who, in the run up to the UK General election, promise “all elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases.” (Latest Picks 22nd Jan.) Presumably to fulfill their plan to allow people to take up “personally satisfying and socially useful work.”
Recent/related stories:
Could anyone see it as blue until modern times? (msn.com).
Yes, of course, this relates to that dress (latinacelebdigest

“… ancient languages didn’t have a word for blue—not Greek, not Chinese, not Japanese, not Hebrew. And without a word for the color, there’s evidence that they may not have seen it at all.”
Or they may just have called it something else. Like white, and black was gold.
Bill Clinton portrait artist hints at Monica Lewinsky scandal (theguardian.com).
“While a literal shadow cast on the president’s office by the unseen scandal may not be the most complex or oblique of metaphors, Shanks may have resorted to the imagery because he found it ‘hard’ to capture Clinton as a man.”

Rather than just a slick Willy.
Recent/related stories:
Con-men’s attempt to sell forged Goya painting backfires when they are paid with fake money (independent.co.uk).

“Two Spanish con-men’s attempted sale of a forged Goya painting backfired spectacularly after their client, supposedly a rich Arab sheik, paid them in counterfeit bank-notes worth 1.7 million Swiss Francs. The middleman who had brokered the deal then vanished with the only genuine money in the affair—300,000 borrowed euros—and, finally, the two con-men themselves were arrested.”
Recent/related stories:
Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek’s Mr Spock, dies at 83 (bbc.co.uk).
“George Takei, who played Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek and was a friend of Nimoy’s, paid tribute to the actor. ‘The word extraordinary is often overused but I think it’s really appropriate for Leonard’, Mr Takei told US broadcaster MSNBC.”
An extraordinary influence for young and old. Missing him already. Even though there is no real Genesis planet to bring him back he will always be with us.
#RIPLeonardNimoy (Twitter).
Leonard Nimoy—obituary (telegraph.co.uk).
“Nimoy himself was the opposite of the unfeeling, imperturbable Spock. Humorous and emotional, he wrote romantic poetry, and published several volumes of verse, including Will I Think of You? (1974), We Are All Children Searching for Love (1977) and Warmed by Love (1983). He was also an enthusiastic participant in 1960s ‘love-ins’, gatherings where hippies came to relax and, more often than not, make love. ‘It wasn’t quite group sex,’ he recalled, ‘but there was a lot of embracing.’”
Leonard Nimoy: His life in pictures (msn.com).
“The Star Trek actor’s final tweet before he was hospitalised earlier this week has gone viral with hundreds of thousands of shares on the social networking site. He wrote ‘A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP’”
Leonard Nimoy: Spock made me feel like it was good to be the weird kid (independent.co.uk).
“Other childhood heroes made me want to be stronger, faster, or have superpowers. Spock made me want a bigger brain. He made me feel like it was good to be the weird kid.”
For sure; but he had that Vulcan nerve pinch too which, big brain or not, would K.O. the hardest of Klingons.
Trivia: It was originally supposed to be a punch but…
“Nimoy felt that such a brutal action would be undignified for a Vulcan. He therefore invented an alternative by suggesting that Vulcans have the ability to project telepathic energy from their fingertips (à la ‘the Vulcan Mind Meld’), which if applied to a nerve cluster correctly could render a human unconscious. Allegedly, the director of the episode didn’t understand the idea when Nimoy explained it to him, but William Shatner understood immediately and reacted in exactly the way Nimoy had hoped when they executed the move during filming, explaining that it would be similar to ‘feeling an electrical charge.’ From then on, the pinch was referred to as the FSNP, for Famous Spock Nerve Pinch in Star Trek’s scripts.” (Wikipedia)
Best-selling fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett passed on aged 66 after long battle with Alzheimer’s disease (dailymail.co.uk).

“The world has lost one of its brightest, sharpest minds. In over 70 books, Terry enriched the planet like few before him. As all who read him know, Discworld was his vehicle to satirise this world; he did so brilliantly, with great skill, enormous humour and constant invention. Terry faced his Alzheimer’s disease (an ‘embuggerance’, as he called it) publicly and bravely. Over the last few years, it was his writing that sustained him. His legacy will endure for decades to come.”—Larry Finlay, managing director at Transworld Publishers

#RIPTerryPratchett (Twitter).
Quotes from campaigner and fantasy author Terry Pratchett (msn.com).
“He wrote more than 70 books, the last of which he completed last summer, but in recent years he was equally well known as a supporter of assisted suicide. He made a documentary on the subject for the BBC. ”
Along with his awesomely funny satirical stories, it is thoughts like this that inspired me:
“Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong.”
For sure, the same can be said about philosophy but I am pretty certain Sir Terry did just as much to explain the human condition as Plato, for a start, accepting the fact that we likely always will live within the cave in his allegory, and helping us to laugh at the distorted shadows of not only that outside but comically of ourself cast by the firelight.
“Evolution was far more thrilling to me than the biblical account. Who would not rather be a rising ape than a falling angel? To my juvenile eyes, Darwin was proved true every day. It doesn’t take much to make us flip back into monkeys again.”
For sure, Tibbs is proof of that.
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