Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and obviously Roman Zolanski put the high wind up Islamic State’s mini-caliphate in Birmingham that Fox News’ terrorist “expert” would have you believe exists.
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Updated 23rd April 2015.
Story added: Kendall Jenner squeezing, teasing, and nearly baring boobs for GQ.
Selena Gomez gave wet pokie swimsuit nipple (celebexposuredigest

was cheeky in bikini candids in Mexico (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Ariana Grande gave bent over peekage on her Honeymoon Tour in Anaheim (cheekypopdivadigest

See also:
Recent/related stories:
Nicki Minaj’s mammoth mammaries and bedunk performed on her Pinkprint Tour in Birmingham, England (hawtcelebs.com).

Recent/related stories:
Jennifer Lopez gave mini dress gapboob and mighty thigh at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles (hawtcelebs.com).

Recent/related stories:
Rihanna gave big brown pierced see-thru nippleage in Santa Monica (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Oops! Nip/Tuck and 90210’s vexing vixen AnnaLynne McCord slipped a nip (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Christina Aguilera gave big puppy love at Hakkasan Nightclub’s 2nd Year Anniversary Party in Las Vegas (sawfirst.com).

Recent/related stories:
Lindsay Lohan gave freckled ginger jugg corset show for Homme Style (egotastic.com).

Recent/related stories:
Courtney Stodden accidentally letting her upgraded huge palookas pop out in L.A. (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Former Made in Chelsea star Kimberley Garner gave Lil’ Bighorn tepee with Southern California photoshoot (sawfirst.com).

Recent/related stories:
Comedienne Chelsea Handler gave work week bare bottom (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
“Avril Lavigne has ‘gained a lot of perspective’ since being diagnosed with Lyme disease. The ‘Complicated’ hit-maker, who is married to Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger, refuses to let the illness—which is caused by tick bites and causes pain in the sufferer’s skin and joints and problems with the heart and nervous system—hold her back.”
And satirical caricature aside, good on you girl, and wishing her all the best with it.
Recent/related stories:
Tongue teasers
Charli XCX gave “Put ur middle fingers up” tongue (celebritytonguedigest

Recent/related stories:
Dani Thorne gave finding your own snaps funny, FeelingThorney tongue (celebritytonguedigest

Recent/related stories:
Ariana Grande gave “sweeet like candy” tongue (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
Recent/related stories:
.:: Top column 2 ::.

Kendall Jenner squeezing, teasing, and nearly baring boobs for GQ (egotastic.com).

Recent/related stories:
Petite popstrel in perpetuum Joanna “JoJo” Levesque gave poolside #moblessins (celebexposuredigest

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Arts, culture, tech. & funnies
“The campaign, which will run through April, will also feature a ‘Save The Balls’ landing page (www.pornhub.com/event/save-the-balls ), where fans can go learn more about the disease that is the leading cause of ailment in men between the ages of 18 and 35. ”
A difficult enough topic for all to talk about, but imagine for a moment how much more for those that have suffered.
Recent/related stories:
Trainee policewoman with 32JJ boobs and killer curves scoops top prize in plus-size lingerie contest (mirror.co.uk).

“A voluptuous trainee police officer’s arresting 32JJ bust has seen her take top prize in a plus-size lingerie contest. … Her incredible figure has also secured her a modelling contract with plus-size agency, Bridge Models.”
An arresting figure for sure!
Recent/related stories:
“The company told creators of popular channels today that the offering, which does not yet have a name, is coming soon. It will offer ad-free videos as well as the ability to store videos offline on their mobile devices, for a price expected to be around $10 a month. It will also let creators put their videos behind a paywall so that only subscribers to the premium version can view them, sources said.”
Yes indeed, “for creators, YouTube’s carrot comes with a stick”:
“… creators are required to participate in the subscription offering, or every video on their channels will be set to private, sources said. The move will likely upset some creators, who may object to aspects of the program.”
For sure, I didn’t even know GoogleTube had adverts until the time I tried to tune into Lady Gaga on iPad’s Safari browser, you know, the one that don’t work with AdBlock Plus.
Recent/related stories:
“Dark matter” not as dark as first thought: Scientists find it interacts with forces other than just gravity (independent.co.uk).

“Despite accounting for an estimated 85 per cent of matter in the Universe, dark matter has never been seen directly by any scientific instruments. Its existence has only been inferred by its gravitational effects.
“But astronomers have now for the first time witnessed dark matter apparently ‘slowing down’ after interaction with other dark matter—suggesting it is capable of engaging with a force other than gravity.”
Hmmm… something we can only hypothetically suggest exists interacting and slowing down after interacting with something else we can only hypothetically suggest.
“Dark matter may not be completely ‘dark’ after all.
“Dark matter can only be detected indirectly by the way it bends the light of distant galaxies in a process known as gravitational lensing.”
Indeed, either not so “dark”, or perhaps an equation has gone awry somewhere. Certainly not “dark” enough to stop some attempting to “map the invisible”:
Dark matter map unveils first results (bbc.co.uk).

“Combining the imprint of all these minuscule distortions, the new map shows exactly where dark matter is concentrated within this particular patch of sky.”
Hang on though, I always thought dark matter was supposed to be pretty uniformly dispersed so as to discount the possibilty of the missing mass just being a super-super huge black hole somewhere. Prehaps we need something else to explain that:
“This expansion of the universe is happening at an increasing rate, and dark energy is the force physicists have proposed to account for that increase.”
Ah, “dark energy”—something else we cannot see or detect; how could we not see that coming.
“The simplest theory for explaining dark energy, which is based on Einstein’s relativity, [Prof Bridle] added, is ‘terrible’—but it is the best available.”
You know, it all sounds a bit like the “Aether” or quintessence to me (Wikipedia), the “best available” in Newton’s time.
Recent/related stories:
Chess Grandmaster used phone in toilet to cheat (news.sky.com).

“Two-time national champion Nigalidze was exposed when Petrosian grew suspicious about his frequent trips to the lavatory during Saturday’s sixth-round match.”
You can just imagine how that went: “Good move.” (Rising) “I gotta take a shit. Again.”
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