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Cameron threatens to shut down porn websites

31st July 2015

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UK Prime Minister David Cameron has demanded that porn websites introduce strict age checks or face being shut down. But is this just Tory Flashman’s de facto distraction for immigration issues?

Cameron threatens to shut down porn websites

Cameron threatens to shut down porn websites (

“David Cameron has demanded that porn websites introduce strict age checks or face being shut down. The Prime Minister said that, if under-18s are not locked out from viewing explicit images, he will take action.”

What, personally? Seemingly, as when he first deemed it necessary to pull his blue woolly jumper over all the porn, this is, Flashman’s de facto distraction for immigration issues, this time the crisis in Calais or “swarm” as he termed it much to indignation from those more compassionate—or at least not so suited to feel the need to pander to little England UKIP bigotry—in the UN.

David Cameron, Judeo-Christian values

For when you don’t want to be seen to be being divisive, blame porn and anyone that works in, with or looks at it—those who admit at least, which is pretty much everyone under the age of 40 who, having grown up in this “highly sexualised” era but still able to distinguish between fact and fantasy, don’t really see it as the socially corrupting crisis—or “swarm”—that suits recession-distracting new-puritanical political purpose.

So, being as the internet thingy’s protection isn’t all under UK jurisdiction, how does the Flash Rugby School bully plan to do this?

“One option is to set up an independent regulator which could force internet service providers (ISPs) to block offending sites under the threat of fines.”

Which is ludicrously naive to think that Virgin Media or BT is going to be ringing up a hosting co. in the Netherlands and asking, indeed demanding…

“While many websites currently ask for users to enter their date of birth before entering, minors can enter a different age which will allow them access. Mr Cameron proposed that websites ask for bank details or credit card details instead.”

Which seems to show he wants to make all erotica a business, and intoduce a restriction that has been tried before—to make money at least—with age-check middle-(wo)man sites circa mid-90s.

It also shows a total lack of understanding of exactly how people share stuff—porn or otherwise—on the internet, and in particular social media and the popularity of the amatuer home-made porn that is all the rage. How will he propose Twitter handles someone’s #FreedNipples and #LiberatedLabia? I don’t imagine an account asking you to enter your credit card details to view personally shared bits will be seen as anything other than a scam by anyone.

Why age checks on porn sites will do more harm than good (

“At its heart, the internet is about freedom, and not all of it is comfortable. Few would argue that we are living in a new age of digital responsibility, yet age restrictions look down the wrong end of the telescope. Prohibition is a moral crusade that has never won a single war. With porn—as with booze and drugs before—there is simply too much money at stake.”

Ahoy, porno-watching scurvies, it’s musical break time.

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3rd August 2015

Clampdown as “70% of Calais migrants reach UK” (

“Illegal immigrants face a tough life in the UK, they are being warned, as figures suggest as many as 70% of migrants in Calais are making it in to Britain.”

For sure, that’s surely the best excuse opportunity there will be for Tory Uncle CamerTom to poke fudge finger and vow to “clampdown on prolapse porn” explicitly by name.

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