Blog: Armchair Warrior (ft. Vanessa Hudgens)
31st July 2015
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The internet—and social media in particular—has perhaps made us all “armchair warriors”, if TV hadn’t already. Be it trolling brinkmanship with regards fame and success or the seething anti-porn rhetoric of the “social justice warrior” seemingly oblivious that their defence often stigmatises all the more those they avow to protect, a cause adopted—be it the abolishment of slim body type favouritism or the anti-Americaness of licking an obesity inflicting doughnut (Latest Picks 9th Jul. 2015)—that is often virtue signalling akin to a status message deployed to promote oneself.
From Blog Pick of the Month, 31st July 2015.
From Blog Pick of the Month, 31st July 2015.
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Tags: art, boobs, breasts, cartoon, cartoon porn, celebrity, drawing, celebrity hentai, celebrity parody, celebrity sex cartoons, gun girl, parodies, pussy, sexy, tits, toy, Vanessa Hudgens.
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