Pick of the Month
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of the best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and hell, for sure, as festival goers all too well know, it could have been filled with a lot worse.
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Pick of the best stories & pics

Miley Cyrus got full frontally nude and a helluva lot more for transversal style magazine Candy (celebexposuredigest

See also:
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Kendall Jenner #FreedNipple for 40m followers (celebexposuredigest

jet departure pokies (celebrityoopsdigest

See also:
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Rita Ora gave Bambi Awards see-thru nipples (celebrityoopsdigest

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Acting and modelling Thorne sisters Kaili, Dani and Bella gave pool day bikini goods (celebexposuredigest

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Getting in the festive season spirit early, Stella Hudgens gave pierced nipple pokeage (celebexposuredigest

See also:
Ireland Baldwin gave peachy cheek (celebexposuredigest

Recent/related stories:
Nina Agdal let all know she can’t find her pants (celebexposuredigest

Recent/related stories:
Christina Milian gave downtown Snapchat cleavage (celebexposuredigest

première Return of the Roar nip slip and see-thru nippleage (celebrityoopsdigest

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Tongue Teasers
Charli XCX poked it with bottle (celebritytonguedigest

Recent/related stories:
Miley Cyrus gave Milky Milky Milk pokeage—with a strap-on (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
Dani Thorne gave into the void tongue (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
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Vanessa & Stella Hudgens gave baby shower pokeage (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
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Kylie Jenner gave masquerade pokeage (celebritytonguedigest

See also:
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Joanna “JoJo” Levesque poked it for Galore (celebritytonguedigest

“honey” on my face Snapchat (celebexposuredigest

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.:: Top column 2 ::.

Recent/related stories:
Jennifer Lopez’s cross-crossing powder blue bodice gave cleavage at the American Music Awards (hawtcelebs.com)…

And with another of her 10 outfit changes,
did her silver trim, silver gown with sheer bodice give pussy peekage? (celebrityoopsdigest

Recent/related stories:
Demi Lovato gave much fishnet thigh at the 2015 American Music Awards (cheekypopdivadigest

Recent/related stories:
Parabéns, Suzy Cortez, Miss BumBum Brazil 2015! (latinacelebdigest

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Oh! It was Charlie Sheen.
“The Hollywood megastar believed to be secretly battling HIV, now named as Charlie Sheen, had become a recluse in his own home—smoking crack cocaine and watching his old movies over and over to deal with the devastating diagnosis, Daily Mail Online can exclusively reveal.
“The actor became increasingly isolated from the outside world over the past two years, paying for porn stars to come and party with him at his own home and rarely venturing out, according to a source in the adult industry.”
And not surprisingly for anyone that has to pay people to visit and sit with him, he’s had to pay off a few blackmail attempts too.
But what do those no-longer porn “goddesses” now-they-are with-me he was happy to tout around and do much more than sit on his bandwagon during his Torpedoes of truth tour; did he let them know, what have they to say?

.:: Read more ::. (Latest Picks 17th November 2015).
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Arts, culture tech. & funnies
With Playboy USA dropping the nude like a now hot potato last month (Pick of the Month 31st Oct. 2015)…
FHM and Zoo magazine axed: a victory for feminists? (theweek.co.uk).

“The much-publicised and oft-anticipated demise of the ‘lads mag’ may have finally arrived as FHM and Zoo announced they were to halt print and digital editions by the end of the year. But have we finally seen the back of the lads’ magazine and the culture it represented? And what is the alternative?”
A victory for feminists or the digitalisation of porn just allowing lumbersexuals to retain their social justice warrior status by not having to pick a covered-up copy off a top shelf at Tesco?
.:: Read more ::. (Latest Picks 18th November 2015).
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The #CondomChallenge could cause suffocation and poses a “significant risk of injury”, doctors warn (huffingtonpost.co.uk).

“By now you’ve probably become acquainted with the latest viral trend, the #CondomChallenge, but doctors are warning the craze has the potential to be dangerous. The challenge, which is particularly popular among teenagers, involves filling a condom with water, then dropping it over another person’s head.”
For God’s sake why you might ask; as with the ALS challenge there must surely be a good cause behind dropping a heavy water filled balloon onto someone’s head so that even the most ardent social justice warrior can chuckle mightily at their potential suffocation.
.:: Read more ::. (Latest Picks 26th November 2015).
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And of course, most regrettably…
#PrayForParis. Shootings and explosions left at least 128 dead in Paris.

.:: Read more ::. (Latest Picks 14th November 2015).
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