Note: This post has been moved from Latest Picks due to length of extended updates.
Facebook’s testing a new method to prevent revenge porn that requires uploading your nudes (techcrunch.com).

But, but… Isn’t uploading nudies—of yourself or of anybody else, including porn stars or nippleage of any ubiquitous “college humour hot chicks”—against F’book’s TOS? Doesn’t that seem rather illogical, or just practical damage limitation suggesting that, like those real-name policies, the TOS isn‘t worth the digital paper it’s written on?
“Facebook is testing a new method to combat revenge porn in Australia, the Australia Broadcasting Corporation reports. The strategy entails uploading your nude photos or videos to Messenger in order to help Facebook tag it as non-consensual explicit media.”
Which you might flag as simply opportunistic in other scenarios where much effort is spent warning Insta-era fems, and chaps who like to show a lil’ more than their pecs and abs with any and every they can send them to, about third party scams promising the equivalent of “Trust me, you can upload, I’ll look after them for you.”
But it’s with someone you can trust, unless Australians are convinced enough that their gov’ment is ruled by some deep, dark Illuminati, and they are prepared to elect as PM a coal mining, boxing alt-kangaroo as their version of America’s Orange Don.
“Facebook is doing this in partnership with Australian government agency e-Safety in order to try to prevent people from sharing intimate images without consent.”
Which in Australia, Britain, and many states of the US, is now punishable by jail time: Revenge porn—New offense comes into force in the UK (Pick of the Week 21st October 2014, updated 13th April 2015)

With, if you fear the honest chap you just met on F’book you sent nude and diddling selfies too has got the hump that you didn’t want to immediately fly to Washington state for a bunk up, you can contact e-Safety and send them a nudie picture via Messenger so that Facebook’s photo-matching technology hashing system, a process that converts the photos into a unique digital code, “would then be able to recognize those images in the future without needing to store them on its servers.” and preventing the upload of any pictures that have the “same digital footprint or hash value”.
Photo-matching technology has of course much proved itself with ability to be able to differentiate between face, arsehole and elbow, but occasionally has issue with nippleage marzipan bits on mum’s Simnel cake: Instagram thinks a cake is a boob, disables account (dailydot.com, Apr. 2016).
Updated 13th November 2017
But what else besides a wingnut nippled Simnel cake could mistakenly get you a “you’ve been nawty, go and stand in the un-social corner” telling-off?

Facebook mocked after slapping “adult content” ban on handmade ROBIN REDBREAST Christmas cards (mirror.co.uk).
Dare we say because the image filename and or descriptive text mentioned Robin or Robyn’s redbreast?
“Facebook has been ridiculed after it was revealed the social media site blocked the sale of handmade Christmas cards because of their ‘adult’ and ‘sexual’ nature.”
With artist Jackie Charley, 52, hoping to sell her new Bothycrafts Crimbo cards of robin redbreast and presumably less bare and cheeky stag and squirrel—but no furry beaver—through Facebook, but getting a message repeatably popping up knocking back the items and quoted the message she received after trying to list her cards on the shopping feature:
“It looks like we didn’t approve your item because we don’t allow the sale of adult items or services (e.g. sexual enhancement items or adult videos).”
Still, if you think it bad for talented artist attempting to sell her redbreasts, then pity poor chap trying flog marvelous pencil sketches of racing sport personalities including the late Dick Trickle (Wikipedia).
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