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Whatever’s on my mind really.

A peek at illustration inspiring celebrity sexiness, quirky news stories from inherently pornified pop culture, tips, sketchbook and work in progress, reviews and other things of interest; whatever’s on my mind really—which more fool you if you ever take that seriously.

Latest Picks is a sort of mini-blog for daily thoughts and picks. Longer articles, stories & sketches are found in the full-size blog, where indeed Latest Picks are moved when updates to a story make it too large.

Note: Both Latest Picks and Blog are to be retired at the end of September, although both will remain available indefinitely as an archived part of the site. No further updates to past stories will be made.

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24th February 2016
Tusk: “I’ll fight you for a sausage roll.”
Merkel, battered sausage
Boris Johnson, “I don’t want to go against David but…”

Uncle CamerTom “battled for Britain” and got his EU deal, but what exactly was it besides missed sausage rolls? (

“So, uncle CamerTom ‘battled for Britain’ and brought down a European Juncker to pave way for the troublesome manifesto promised referendum now set for 23rd June … but really it seems all were exasperated waiting to tuck into the sausage rolls. A clever ploy engineered by a schemer, knowing that politico stomachs have no patience?”

He got the deal he wanted, or so he says, but what really went on, what Brexit preventing deal did he actually nab, and what did others sensing opportunity—and there were many sliding towards the leaving side of the channel ferry—say about it and why BoJo hair rivalry that began at Eton has opportunely spilled out on to the main stage of British politics.

This is no cave!

A digest that through the quirky deconstruction of latest stories aims to show that a lot of “belief” is often actually just “agenda” or “opportunity” and media “opinion” is copy to reenforce presuppositions many already have and why philosophy is useful in everyday life in defining—for and by yourself—the difference between what ancient Greeks like Plato defined as episteme (knowledge) and doxa (belief), and not just idealistic training to pack Fyffes bananas. Think a bumper bonanza of those cultural, political and just down right hypothetical you don’t really read in Latest Picks.

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Illustrations, paintings, and cartoons featuring caricatured celebrities are intended purely as parody and fantasised depictions often relating to a particular news story, and often parodying said story and the media and pop cultural representation of said celebrity as much as anything else. Who am I really satirising? Read more.

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