Pick of the Week
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Here’s my grab-bag pick of last weeks best illustration inspiring celebrity gossip, scandals, arts, entertainment, & just plain quirky stories & picture sexiness. A weekly round-up for busy pervs. There’s pictures—reading optional.
Disclaimer: Any comments I make are purely satirical, totally without foundation, and is over-the-moon to now be able to examine tongue poking pictures Stella Hudgens regularly Instagrams.
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Last weeks best stories & pics

Kendall Jenner gave see-thru nippleage in same month as her 18th birthday because that’s how Kardashian Korp. rolls. Harrah! (huffingtonpost.com).
Recent/related stories:

Stella Hudgens turned 18, celebrated with Bollywood themed bash with big sis Vanessa (dailymail.co.uk).
The Mail viscidly emitted:
“Vanessa chose a long green skirt and halter top, which showed off her toned tummy … while Stella chose a short black skirt and bra top for her birthday bash.”
A statement that trailed off with a gurgling low moan. Online forums put up emergency flood gates, walking canes snapped under pressure in various chatrooms.

Here’s the piccies (hotcelebshome.com).
Updated 10th August 2015.
Dead link. Apologies.
Recent/related stories:

Lindsay Lohan did side boob for something (dailymail.co.uk).
Here’s that side boobed ginger jugg (hotcelebshome.com).
Updated 10th August 2015.
Dead link. Apologies.
Recent/related stories:

Rita Ora showed off the bikini good stuff on the balcony in Miami (egotastic.com).
The balcony? Well, it was the only one I was damn looking at.
Recent/related stories:

Courtney Stodden posed her bowling balls with new dad BF Edward Lozzi (thesuperficial.com).
Recent/related stories:

Candice Swanepoel got naked for phallic cartoon serpent and testicle cloud for i-D (imgcelebs.info).
Recent/related stories:
.:: Top column 2 ::.

Arts, culture, tech. & funnies

French weather girl Doria Tillier who promised to strip naked if France qualified for World Cup kept to her word… at a distance… in a field (mailonsunday.co.uk).

“When millions of viewers turned on the TV in France, they were expecting to a see a weathergirl stick to her word and give a forecast naked.”
I call foul!
Recent/related stories:

Criminal gangs targeting high-value works of art in UK (bbc.co.uk).
“Figures suggest these thefts total more than £300m a year, second only to the proceeds of crime from drug dealing.”
Is there really an underground market for famous works of art though with shadowy filthy rich private collectors salivating to get their white gloved hands on that Picasso or van Gogh? Stealing great art not all it’s painted to be (theage.com.au).
“Some are low-level criminals who are more likely to bungle the operation and dispose quickly of the works, often for a fraction of their value; others are members of organised gangs who use the paintings as collateral or bartering chips in underworld deals involving drugs, forged documents and weapons.”
Just as a couple of kilos of cocaine does not have an absolute price nor does a stolen Monet, so I guess to the criminal underground the two were made for each other.

“Art critic Alastair Sooke delves into the murky world of art theft. Despite the high stakes and daring involved, many of the crimes go unnoticed by the media.”
Jump to 16:05 if you want to go straight to the role of organised crime in art theft.
Recent/related stories:

Hairbrained ideas: Tech’s most ridiculous gadgets (tech.uk.msn.com).
“A circuit nestled in the futuristic hairpiece would be able to connect with a a smartphone or tablet, vibrating when you get email, texts or calls. Sony even reckons it could have a camera and use GPS to give directions.”
Along with Sony’s plans for a SmartWig read about the throat tattoo that has the ability to detect when you’re lying on the phone and patent for a vibration activated clamshell phone holder that straps to your wrist flipping up in your palm to take the call. How did we get by without them?
Recent/related stories:

“The Day of the Doctor” lived up to Doctor Who 50th anniversary hype (tv.uk.msn.com).
“I particularly enjoyed Hurt’s Doctor mistaking his future selves as ‘companions’, later commenting on the amount of kissing they do, and the scene where the 10th and 11th Doctors compared their phallic sonic screwdrivers. Tennant’s is a grower, not a shower.”
Doctor Who 50th anniversary breaks simulcast record.
“The special 50th anniversary show set a new world record after being broadcast in 94 countries across six continents following a massive global campaign.”
All told, I loved it too. High points? John Hurt being particularly endearing as a somewhat fuddy-duddy Doctor perhaps symbolising the transition between the old and new serieses,
all 13 Doctors converging in TARDIS’ to save Gallifrey and of course, Tom Baker as the curator—they certainly managed to keep that quiet!
Lows? Nothing serious; perhaps it peed a little on Tennant’s “The End of Time” climactic last episode but hey—it’s sci-fi and you can reboot events and explain them at the drop of a jelly baby, Clara Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) given too little a squirt considering how important her role in saving the Doctor and his
timeline in the series finale had seemed, and although truthfully I was never a huge fan Billie Piper was particularly yummy as the enigmatic Ulimate Weapon Interface and Conscience but she did just seem as if she was thrown in there… just because.
Well done Steven Moffat.
Hit | 77% |
Miss | 23% |
This poll has now been archived.

Here’s Jenna-Louise Coleman at the Isabella Blow Fashion Galore Exhibition in London (imgcelebs.info).
Catch snaps & stories for next month’s picks daily in latest picks.
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